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22 Weeks Pregnant Update
Baby is a: Spaghetti Squash
Weight gained: 2 lbs
Total Weight gained: 18 lbs
22 Weeks Pregnant Symptoms: I have to pee all the time. I am pretty sure if I tried to exercise, I would pee my pants. I also think that I’m close to feeling like my belly is always in the way. Hopefully I have a few more weeks of comfort before the uncomfortable big stage starts.
Cravings: I’m really into orange juice this week which is I think an upgrade from frozen yogurt. I am trying to eat a lot more greens this week. I think as Spring starts and turns into summer, I will want to eat a lot more salads.
Aversions: No aversions.
Sleep: I still am able to fall asleep and sleep through the night, but it is so annoying to turn sides. So much belly to flip!
Excited for: Starting a nursery. I learned so much last time on how to organize a nursery. This time I am also going to build it so it can grow with baby, instead of building it just for that first baby year. I made L a quilt with her name on it and plan to do the same this time, so I am starting to think of colors and patterns.
Missing: Being able to hold L without my belly in the way. She loves to read and sit on my lap but it’s tiring to constantly have to move the belly out of her way. It’s also pretty comical though.
Movement: She is starting to kick all the time. Throughout the day, I get little kicks here and there, which are a lot of fun. And then at night she is really active which is when Cole gets to feel a few kicks.
Dr. Update: No
Exercise: No
Stretch Marks: No
Swelling: No
Maternity Clothing: Wearing all maternity clothing but can still actually wear the clothing from Stitch Fix that wasn’t maternity. I asked the stylist for clothing that I could wear during pregnancy and postpartum, so I could get more use out of them. I can also wear them as regular clothing based on their style, which is much more economical than just buying maternity clothing.
Labor Signs: No
Wedding Rings On: Yes
Belly Button In or Out: In/Out. It can’t decide.
How I’m Preparing: As this is my second pregnancy, I know somewhat of how a baby alters your life and relationship. Cole and I took some time to prepare our relationship before having L but really wish we took more time. We couldn’t have guessed how much or in what ways a baby changes your life.
Last time around, we focused on making sure we both understood that a baby results in little sleep and a lot of learning. This can cause a lot of stress and communication issues. We tried to remember HALT, which stands for hungry, angry, lonely and tired. If we started arguing, it was important to realize that usually one of these, if not all, were the cause.
Want to start preparing your relationship? Alli has written up a detailed post on how to prepare your relationship and a fun article on 10 things that surprised her husband about newborns. After learning mostly by trial and error, some of the motivation behind these types of posts is the lack of resources that exist to prepare as a team. One of our favorites that does exist is Supporting Her. Be sure to sign up for our free bump smart course and get weekly emails tailored to your pregnancy on how to prepare!
We have also started think about and research ways to prepare our toddler, L, for her new little sister. More to come in future weeks on this note.
Best Moment of the Week: We got the photos from the wedding L was in as the flower girl. I am so glad she got a chance to be a flower girl. It was so fun to watch her and Cole, a groomsman, walk down the aisle together. That picture will be such a keepsake and super special when she gets married. We can’t wait to get some printed.
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Previous baby bump update: 21 weeks pregnant
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Dr. Trina Fitzpatrick is a wife, mom, blogger, and a breastfeeding advocate. She is the co-author of the Week-by-Week Bump Smart Course, the Nesting Planner and the Breastfeeding Handbook. She attributes her success at breastfeeding her own children into toddlerhood with working with lactation consultants in the hospital in the early stages and on a weekly basis afterwards. By writing at MomSmartNotHard, she educates mamas-to-be on all things pregnancy, birth and breastfeeding. Read more about Trina.
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