<meta property="og:description" content="bump smart free email coursedesigned for expecting mamas as a way to prepare every weekStart Bump Smart to stay on task!A Free Email Course​If no one has said it yet, let us be the first to give you a HUGE CONGRATULATIONS <meta name="twitter:description" content="bump smart free email coursedesigned for expecting mamas as a way to prepare every weekStart Bump Smart to stay on task!A Free Email Course​If no one has said it yet, let us be the first to give you a HUGE CONGRATULATIONSBump Smart - Free Pregnancy Course with Weekly Updates - MomSmartNotHard

bump smart free email course designed for expecting mamas as a way to prepare every week

Start Bump Smart to stay on task!

A Free Email Course

If no one has said it yet, let us be the first to give you a HUGE CONGRATULATIONS <3 you are entering such an incredible time in life. With this free email course, we will show you exactly how to prepare each week so you will accomplish everything before baby's big day. Confidently enter motherhood as a pro! Preparing doesn't have to be hard, you just have to have smart solutions.

Here is a quick outline of what each email will contain:

  • information tailored to your week based on your due date
  • a how to prepare lesson that week so you stay on task along with a specific action item
  • resources and links to help your prepare on all pregnancy topics
  • free weekly pregnancy journal pages to print and fill out
  • extra printables to help capture those special moments in pregnancy
  • ​a pro mom tip on the week's how to prepare lesson 
  • a sweet quote to help you get motivated to prepare 

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