We love hearing from our readers and want to thank you upfront for taking the time out of your busy mom life to reach out. We do our best to reply to each and every email we receive, and want to remind you that there is no question or comment too small.
Want to suggest a post topic?
Wonderful! Some of our best blog articles came from readers who reached out with questions, comments or ideas. We would love to hear from you, just use the contact form to submit a topic.
Searching for something specific on Mom Smart Not Hard?
There is a search bar on the side bar if you are on desktop or near the bottom on any page on mobile. Feel free to email us if you can’t find what you are looking for.
If we don’t have it, we can add it to our list of article ideas and prioritize getting an answer out for you and others to benefit.
What’s the best way to find content relevant to me on Mom Smart Not Hard?
For ease of use and navigation, we have organized all of our content into three categories and created a start here page to help you get the most out of your visit.
Start Here Page: If you’re new to the Mom Smart community, head here first! You’ll be able to easily see everything we have to offer and how our content can best fit your needs from expecting, to baby, to general mom life.
Bump Smart Page: If you are trying to conceive or are currently expecting, this is the page for you! You can find a variety of content, organized by trimester, to get you completely prepared for baby and cope with the symptoms of pregnancy too.
Baby Smart Page: Expecting and new mamas alike will find a variety of great information on the topics of sleep and breastfeeding here.
Work Smart Page: This area is for each and every mom, no matter what stage of mom life you’re in. Here you can find tips on increasing productivity and organization in the home, as well as information about how to make money flexibly from home to stay home with your littles or earn more money.
You can subscribe to receive occasional emails about new posts or big news here at Mom Smart Not Hard. Because we blog about a variety of subjects, we have created specific courses that feature a variety of our content within that topic
Enrolling in one of our FREE courses ensures you are getting email content that is completely relevant to you, right now.
These include:
Bump Smart Course: This free email series is tailored to your due date and designed to help you prepare, celebrate and find advice while pregnant. You will receive a weekly email that matches your exact week of pregnancy. It will include links to article, advice, tips and an actionable way to prepare each week.
Nest Smart Course: This is a free 7-day crash course in nesting. Perfect for third trimester mamas who are looking to get organized and add structure to their baby preparations fast. Whether your due date is a week away, or you just want to have a head start on things, you need our 5 pillars of nesting to ensure you are ready and relaxed for baby.
Nurse Smart Course: We designed two free versions of this 5-day email course, one for nursing mothers and one for expecting mothers. This means you will receive content, advice and a printable in each lesson that is relevant to you. In each lesson you’ll learn ways to get your breastfeeding journey started on the right foot, or continue to persevere in your nursing relationship.
Have a question?
We encourage you to comment on individual articles if you have a question about the content in a specific post. We always reply to your comments as quickly and thoroughly as possible. By commenting directly on a post, it allows other readers to learn from your question or point of view and creates a feeling of community among readers.
If you don’t feel comfortable commenting or just have a general question, please send us an email and we will happily reply to you.
Trina’s email: Trina (at) momsmartnothard (dot) com
Alli’s email: Alli (at) momsmartnothard (dot) com
Have a question or comment about our Nesting Planners or our Breastfeeding Handbook?
If you would like to share your review of any of our products, we would love to hear from you. We are always interested in knowing what you love and what we can improve on! Thank you in advance for your input.
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