<meta property="og:description" content="Nest smart free email coursedesigned for expecting mamas as a crash course to prepare for babyStart Nest Smart to stay on task!A Free Email Course​First, a HUGE CONGRATULATIONS <meta name="twitter:description" content="Nest smart free email coursedesigned for expecting mamas as a crash course to prepare for babyStart Nest Smart to stay on task!A Free Email Course​First, a HUGE CONGRATULATIONSFree Nest Smart Course - A crash course on preparing for baby

Nest smart free email course designed for expecting mamas as a crash course to prepare for baby

Start Nest Smart to stay on task!

A Free Email Course

First, a HUGE CONGRATULATIONS <3 to you mama to be! You are entering such an incredible time in life. Based on the five pillars of nesting, this free email course will show you exactly how to nest in 7 days so you will be ready to welcome baby. Utilize this course to gain the confidence and know how of all that needs to be accomplished and how to achieve it in only 7 days. Enter motherhood as a pro! It doesn't have to be hard, you just have to have smart solutions.

Here is a quick outline of what you will learn:

  • the know how on how to prepare as a team specifically your relationship
  • resources and tips on preparing the home 
  • ideas on how to prepare for the big day and life with baby
  • extra printables to help capture those special moments in pregnancy
  • the essentials to starting breastfeeding  
  • an action item each day to get you started and motivated
  • free printable each day to help you accomplish the nesting objective for the day 

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