Nurse smart FREE Email course 
designed for the new mom facing any nursing obstacle 

Start Enjoying Breastfeeding Today!

A Free Email Course 

As breastfeeding mamas ourselves, we know first hand how tricky it can be to breastfeed especially if you don't have the right information, resources and support. Almost all women find themselves needing help during their breastfeeding relationship and you are already taking the first step to success by enrolling in this course! 

Here is a quick outline of what you will learn:

  • review: essential breastfeeding knowledge to have and maintain a good supply
  • build your nursing support system with strategies on how to find breastfeeding support in your community
  • discover how get the emotional support you need from your other half or loved ones
  • develop a troubleshooting plan and how to get the most out of your medical appointments 
  • learn about concrete resources to have at your fingertips for help around the clock 
  • receive a free printable everyday to help you with each day's action item

Copyright 2018, MomSmartNotHard