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31 Weeks Pregnant Update
Baby is a: Coconut
Weight gained: 1 lbs
Total Weight gained: 38 lbs
31 Weeks Pregnant Symptoms: I am convinced baby will arrive early. However, I think I might feel that way because I don’t think my body will make it another 9 weeks. According to all midwives and OBs I have talked to so far, having more pelvic pain in subsequent pregnancies is the normal. On days when it’s really bad, I am sure baby is going to fall out. This week has been one of those weeks.
Cravings: Coffee, which isn’t a good thing to have a lot of while pregnant. I’m guessing my coffee want might be related to how tired I am this week.
Aversions: No aversions.
Sleep: Very tired. We flew to Oregon and not only did we have to wake up at 3 am for our flight but we are also adjusting to the three hour time change. I am still able to get comfortable enough (or am just tired enough) to sleep well once I fall asleep.
Excited for: Our “babymoon” this week. We planned this trip to Oregon during pregnancy as a mini babymoon. While we will be seeing family, we are spending half of our trip as just us and our toddler. It is the first time we have “vacationed” with L. It will be nice to bond before baby arrives, have some special time with L before she isn’t our only child anymore and recover by getting some necessary rest.
Missing: Living close to family. While we love where we live and my husband loves his job, every time we travel to visit family we wished we lived closer. This is especially hard with a toddler and soon a new baby.
Movement: She is a kicking machine!
Dr. Update: I had my appointment with a doctor this week instead of a midwife. No reason for this besides the midwives had no openings and I needed my appointment before we flew to Oregon. Everything was good to go! The most important part of the appointment was the reminder to walk at least every hour on the flight to prevent blood clots. Pregnancy is a risk for blood clots and flying is a risk for blood clots.
Exercise: No
Stretch Marks: No
Swelling: No
Maternity Clothing: Debating if I want to just buy a normal tankini swim suit and size up for the summer or buy a maternity swim suit. With a due date at the end of July, I will need one of these options.
Labor Signs: No
Wedding Rings On: No. They are off for good until post-partum.
Belly Button In or Out: OUT!
How I’m Preparing: Making the plan. For birth, you want to plan for more than just what you want for birth. You want to have older sibling care and pet care sorted out. You want to know who and when you will inform family on labor and birth updates. You want to plan for visitors at the hospital and at home. You also want your house ready and set up for bringing baby home, such as having the fridge stocked. I am finalizing this part of my “birth plan” this week.
Best Moment of the Week: We went to the coast and going on the beach with L was a blast. She had so much fun chasing the waves and seagulls. We also spent a lot of time digging in the sand. By going on this babymoon, we can’t get distracted by cleaning the house or chugging away at our to-do list.
Follow my pregnancy
Next baby bump update: 32 weeks pregnant
Previous baby bump update: 30 weeks pregnant
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Dr. Trina Fitzpatrick is a wife, mom, blogger, and a breastfeeding advocate. She is the co-author of the Week-by-Week Bump Smart Course, the Nesting Planner and the Breastfeeding Handbook. She attributes her success at breastfeeding her own children into toddlerhood with working with lactation consultants in the hospital in the early stages and on a weekly basis afterwards. By writing at MomSmartNotHard, she educates mamas-to-be on all things pregnancy, birth and breastfeeding. Read more about Trina.
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